The story of the real-life South Korean secret agent code-named “Black Venus,” who amazingly infiltrated the inner circle of the North Korean elites, that included having a legendary sit-down meeting with leader Kim Jong-il, with the hopes of obtaining vital intelligence on their nuclear weapons program is as rewarding a watch as it is eye-opening. What ultimately ends up being exposed in The Spy Gone North is both mind-blowing and frustrating to learn about, and a political scandal that makes Nixon’s Watergate operation look like mere child’s play.
Some films have a kind of quiet but genuine charm that can leave the most lasting of impressions. Little Forest is one such film that will slowly seep into your soul through its poignant meditation on the expectations and pitfalls of modern life by contrasting them with a colorful and spiritually fulfilling throwback to simplicity, where three friends reconnect in their rural hometown and begin working on a self-sustaining farm of their own throughout four brilliantly photographed seasons. Don’t watch Little Forest on an empty stomach!
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