Beautiful review of both the plot and the actor’s performance yoo ah in. A movie to see hoping it will arrive in Italy
I’m really confused about the ending [MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS] – why did the girl Cho-Hee tell the school teacher that Tae-In was the kidnapper ? Wasn’t she on his side ?
I also found that to be a point of interest. [SPOILER ALERT] I thought that most movies would have written Cho-hee to say that Tae-in was a friend or someone who helped her instead of instantly calling him out as the kidnapper. But I came to the conclusion that the writers felt that Cho-hee was an exceptionally smart girl, and that even though Tae-in was kind hearted, it didn’t cloud her judgement of his actions overall – that what he did was wrong and it wasn’t going to be a happy ending for him. I had mixed feelings about this decision, and felt like it could have been a stronger ending (if not more cliche) if she let him go.